by Kevin Poor

September 17, 2024

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, video remains a primary component of effective B2B marketing. That’s because video excels at engaging potential clients, driving sales leads and building brand awareness and loyalty. With over 80% of global internet traffic coming from downloading and streaming videos, there’s good reason to make video part of your marketing strategy.

A survey conducted by the Aberdeen Group indicates that B2B marketing experts who harness the power of video experience 49% faster growth in revenue compared to those who don’t.

In another survey, cited by the marketing firm VIDICO, 96% of individuals rely on videos to gain deeper insights into products and services, choosing to watch videos instead of reading manuals or text instructions.

The Main Ingredients in Successful Video Marketing
The ability to create and distribute video content has become more accessible than ever with tools like Adobe Premiere and platforms like YouTube. Even with these platforms, quality content still relies on several essential elements:

  1. A Clear Objective and Message
    Know who your audience is and what you want to achieve. Whether you’re trying to create brand awareness (see this example from our client, Metallus), generate leads, educate about your product or engage in partner marketing, your video should convey a concise, compelling message that aligns with your objective and addresses specific pain points or needs of your target audience.
  1. An Engaging Script
    Create a narrative that captures attention and keeps viewers engaged. A well-crafted story will help convey your message effectively. When starting on a script, the first decision is whether the text will be performed in voiceover, viewed as text on the screen – or both. Having text on the screen outlining the main points in the script, while a voiceover provides the necessary context and offers supplemental details, can be an effective way of presenting a great deal of information without overwhelming the viewer. If the piece is meant to provoke a more emotional response (a brand identity video or a hype video), you might need minimal text on screen, as the images and the pacing will do a lot of the work for you.Also ensure your video is not too long. Keep the video between 60 to 120 seconds for maximum engagement. This can be difficult, as people often want to say more on behalf of their company or product.
  1. Use Professional Visuals and Audio
    Getting people’s attention – and keeping it – means ensuring that your video looks and sounds its best. Invest in high-quality footage, whether it’s b-roll or original, and make sure the audio is clear and well-balanced.
  1. Compelling Visual Design
    As suggested above, including text on screen can be an effective way to reinforce points throughout the script. And text is just the beginning. Using infographics, animations and motion graphics can help simplify complex information. In addition, these elements can help make the content more engaging for the viewer. When creating these visual components, it’s important to maintain a consistent visual style that aligns with and supports your brand identity.

Video Marketing at Dix & Eaton

We have helped numerous clients develop targeted, engaging and cost-effective videos to help fill their content pipelines and achieve better engagement with key audiences.

For more information on how we can help you develop a video content strategy or to view our demo reel, contact Kevin Poor today.