Gregg LaBar

Chief Client Officer and Senior Managing Director

PHONE: 216-241-4614

Gregg serves in two Dix & Eaton leadership roles: as the firm’s Chief Client Officer and as Senior Managing Director leading the firm’s Sustainability/Investor Relations practice.

Gregg’s role as Chief Client Officer involves ensuring delivery of client service excellence, facilitating staff professional development around client service, gathering and addressing client feedback, and managing the client journey road map.

In his role as the sustainability/investor relations practice leader, Gregg is responsible for sustainability strategic counsel to clients, development of and alignment with reporting best practices, development of new business and new partnerships, and thought leadership in a fast-changing field.

The firm’s Sustainability/Investor Relations practice consists of a creative, experienced team of strategists, project leaders, writers, editors and graphic design specialists. Gregg is knowledgeable on a wide range of environmental topics, including EHS performance, risk management, climate risk, water risk, waste reduction and environmentally responsible products, as well as other sustainability topics such as diversity, equity and inclusion, supply chain responsibility, governance and ethics, and ratings, standards and frameworks.

A writer and editor by training, Gregg specializes in corporate storytelling and linking messages and actions to strategy. Prior to joining Dix & Eaton more than 25 years ago, Gregg covered EHS issues in the trade media for 10 years, and before that, was a sports editor.

Specializes in:

  • Sustainability Communications Strategy
  • Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure
  • Corporate Storytelling
  • Investor Relations Counsel
  • Client Service Excellence

Involved with:

  • Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio Board member
  • National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) member
  • NIRI’s IR Update Editorial Advisory Board member
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards certification
  • Sustainability ratings, standards, frameworks and regulatory actions


  • Team sports at all levels
  • Playing golf with his children and friends
  • Finding warm, sunny weather for vacation